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Anchorena Ranch maintains a sustainable philosophy which involves raising its animals humanely and naturally without hormones or the use of any antibiotics as well as being responsible stewards of the land. 

Our commitment is to our customers, to the proper raising of grassfed cattle and to the environment.

We are committed to transparency in getting our beef from our pastures to your plate with no added ingredients other than those which nature intended, natural grasses.

Anchorena Ranch, along with its Angus Natural Beef, embraces the production of Natural, Grass-fed Wagyu beef.

Anchorena Ranch is an international Wagyu beef brand owned by La Barra de San Juan SA which markets the highest quality Naturally Marbled Wagyu beef worldwide.
Its Wagyu beef is produced by Wagyu crosses and Pure Wagyu steers, raised and fed in the natural environment of the Uruguayan flatlands.